Hello :)


This Shiny App dashboard visualize data overview and gap on the Taiwan Biodiversity Information Alliance (hereafter referred as TBIA) data portal.

The goal of this app is to enable anyone to quickly view an overview of the data available in the TBIA portal.
To allow data contributors and publishers to view the current data overview, helping to develop strategies for filling data gaps.
To enable data users to identify potential data gaps or biases that might affect their usage.

The left navigation panel menu allows you to view different types of visual charts and provides information on filling data gaps.

The code for creating this Shiny App is fully open and can be found on GitHub.

Creator: 何芷蔚 Daphne Z Hoh*、吳俊毅 Jun-yi Wu、端木茂甯 Mao-Ning Tuanmu

daphnehohzhiwei gmail.com / ORCID
Postdoctoral Researcher @ Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility

Taiwan Biodiversity Information Alliance
tbianoti gmail.com

This work is supported by Biodiversity Research Centre of Academia Sinica, Taiwan National Science and Technology Council, and Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency.

  Data descriptions


All TBIA Data (ver20241026)


Cleaned TBIA Data

Data pre-processing (cleaning):

- Remove records without scientificName (476,522 records)
- Remove duplicated records (768 records)
- Remove records without coordinates 864,912 records)
- Remove records outside of Taiwan (136,368 records)

Notes to consider when viewing different pages:

1. Taxon data overview

  • We have categorized species into 33 major groups for easier presentation. The grouping criteria can be viewed on this table.
  • In reference to the Taiwan Catalogue of Life (hereafter referred to as TaiCOL), we have exported the species list not yet recorded in TBIA into a downloadable CSV file.

2. Temporal data overview

  • We have not removed records with questionable dates (e.g., years < 1800 & > 2025) as these account for fewer than 200 entries.

3 & 4. Spatial data overview and spatial gap

  • Sensitive data have varying degrees of coordinate uncertainty. To facilitate subsequent analysis and presentation of data gaps, we have merged the coordinate fields. For sensitive data, we merged the original coordinate points (standardRawLatitude and standardRawLongitude) with non-sensitive data coordinates (standardLatitude and standardLongitude) to create the latitude and longitude fields for further analysis and presentation.
  • Using the EPSG:4326 WGS84 geodetic coordinate system, we presented the data within a 5x5 km grid covering Taiwan’s land and maritime boundaries.
  • When mapping the data onto the grid, we excluded records with coordinate uncertainty greater than 5 km (1,183,339 records).

Taxon data overview

This page provides an overview of taxon-related data from TaiCOL and the TBIA portal, including record counts by taxon group, its basis of records, and statistics by habitat type (as per TaiCOL). As of the latest update (Oct 20, 2024), TaiCOL includes a total of 94,826 species records (including infraspecies).

TBIA records in TaiCOL:

Record matched to highest Linnaean taxon rank
Species (& infraspecies) recorded in TBIA

Taxon group and record count:

Taxon group and basis of record:
This plot allow you to view the record distribution across taxon groups and its basis of record. The lighter the color, the greater the record count.

Taxon group on their habitat (based on TaiCOL):

Note: Some records contain species that have not yet been included in TaiCOL, so there may be cases where the number of species “Recorded in TBIA” is greater than the “Total species count in TaiCOL”. This currently applies only to Amphibians and Ferns.
The bar chart can be enlarged by selecting the range. Double-click to return to the default mode.

Recorded and unrecorded species in TBIA (excluding infraspecies)

Taxon tree and record gap

This page presents the species recorded in TaiCOL in the form of a species tree. The starting node of the tree represents the major taxonomic groups we have previously classified, with subsequent nodes representing families, genera, and scientific names.

If a species had been recorded in TBIA, [Recorded] will be displayed next to its scientific name.

You can download a CSV file containing a species list not yet recorded in TBIA using the download button.

Temporal data overview

This page provides an overview of the record distribution by year and month. You can filter by taxon groups of interest.



Spatial data overview

This page allows us to examine the record distribution within 5x5 km spatial grids. Areas without grids indicate no records for those regions. You can filter by taxon groups of interest. If you wish to search for a single species, please visit the TBIA portal.


Let’s fill the gap!

This page presents the spatial data gaps and their prioritized categories recommended for filling.

  • TBIA has nearly 20 million records within the Taiwan’s land and maritime boundaries. Assuming these records are evenly distributed across Taiwan’s 5x5 km grid, each grid should have at least 3,000 records. Therefore, we identified grids with fewer than 3,000 records and those with no records as recommended priority grids for filling, marking them as spatial data gaps.

  • We have organized the spatial data gaps and their prioritized categories into a downloadable CSV.

  • If you prefer using Google My Maps for viewing, please click this link. Google My Maps offers a KML download feature for the layers, which you are welcome to use.


Number of priority grids to fill


Number of recommended grids to fill


Number of grids with above average record count

Call for data

Call for Taiwan Biodiversity Data

According to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility GBIF, Taiwan currently ranks second in Asia in terms of the number of open biodiversity data, after India. However, when looking at the species diversity covered by the data, Taiwan’s performance is even better.

In order to make Taiwan’s biodiversity open data more comprehensive and facilitate future application development, we first seek for data on the following areas:

  1. Environment: Records of marine environment occurrences. Taiwan is surrounded by sea, and this data will aid in marine conservation and sustainable use!
  2. Data type: DNA and eDNA derived occurrence records. Molecular techniques have significantly improved biodiversity surveys. These data can supplement traditional morphological identification and uncover hidden biodiversity.
  3. Species groups: Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi and Lichens, Protists, Chromista, Insects, Molluscs. While data of large animals dominate the current database, data from these smaller organisms are crucial for understanding ecosystem structure and function.

To encourage data sharing, we offer professional services for data integration, cleaning, formatting, and publishing. If you are willing to share your data, our team will assist you through the entire process. Together, let’s create a new chapter in Taiwan’s biodiversity open data!
Feel free to contact us anytime at: taibif.brcas@gmail.com


version 1.3 ~ 2024-10-27

version 1.2 ~ 2024-08-14

  • Minor UI fix

version 1.1 ~ 2024-07-26

  • Minor content fix
  • Update Mandarin and English versions
  • Added page: Call for data

version 1.0 ~ 2024-07-14
